Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tekken 6 PPSSPP Ad Hoc Battle Howto and Simulation on Local Network

Get AdhocServer executables from or here

Important stuff before doing Ad hoc Battle:

  • Make sure Tekken 6 is playing smoothly on both PC without "Multithreaded" and "Fast Memory" turned on, to avoid sync problem later. Both accessible via Settings --> System.  
setting tekken 6 ppsspp adhoc battle network versus
Disable both options above to avoid syncing problem

  • If played over Local Network, both PC's IPs must still on the same subnet. (in this  video below, it's 192.168.56.X. With Player1 using, and Player2 using
  • Enable networking/WLAN via Settings --> System
  • Use different Nicknames on every PPSSPP involved.
tekken 6 windows ppsspp adhoc battle network versus
Make sure every ppsspp involved have different names

  • Use different MAC address on every PPSSPP involved.
  • All PPSSPP involved must point to the SAME IP of the PC serving the AdhocServer. (in this  video below, it's * localhost or can also be used, if you're the one running the AdhocServer.
windows tekken 6 ppsspp adhoc battle network versus
Differentiate MAC address for each ppsspp involved

  • CWCheat is usable, but do not use "in-fight" cheat like "Player1 invincible" etc. Also both PPSSPP must apply the exact same cheat codes. I only use CWCheat on both PPSSPP to remove the Stage selected so i can get more FPS.
  • Do not Pause your PPSSPP while battle over network (or even going online), cause it will un-sync with the AdhocServer

Chronological step is shown in this video

Get ready for the next BATTLE!
Get your PSP's Tekken 6 copy from PlayAsia

Thursday, October 23, 2014

SweetFX, shader for Direct3D (Works on PPSSPP's Direct3D 9 Backend)

As I mention in previous post, the Direct3D backend of PPSSPP (and generally) lacks advanced feature like "post processing shader". Thankfully, we can achieve the same result by using 3rd party shader like SweetFX. SweetFX support DirectX 9, 10 and 11. Further explanation and how to get it, go to:,31.html . Scroll down to the end of the article, to get the download links.

Usage is very easy. Extract SweetFX to PPSSPP folder like below

tekken 6 ppsspp shader sweetfx direct3d 9 directx
Choosing the effect must be done by editing the "SweetFX_settings.txt" manually. Notepad will do.

To activate an effect/shader, on the CHOOSE EFFECT section, just change it's value to 1. Example to activate CARTOON effect

#define USE_CARTOON 1 //[0 or 1] Cartoon : "Toon"s the image. (Interferes with SMAA, CRT, Bloom, HDR and Lumasharpen)

Also, don't forget to tweak these corresponding options manually until you get result which meet your taste.

  /                      Cartoon settings                       /
#define CartoonPower         1.5    //[0.1 to 10.0] Amount of effect .....
#define CartoonEdgeSlope     1.5   //[0.1 to 8.0] Raise this to ..........

Below, some results from tweaking the option above (in red) values. CP=CartoonPower, CES=CartoonEdgeSlope
tekken 6 ppsspp shader sweetfx direct3d 9 directx
CP=9.9 and CES=0.9

tekken 6 ppsspp shader sweetfx direct3d 9 directx
CP=2.9 and CES=0.9

You can apply multiple effect simultaneously, i.e. Cartoon + Monochrome.

tekken 6 ppsspp shader sweetfx direct3d 9 directx
Cartoon effect combined with Monochrome
Get your PSP's Tekken 6 copy from PlayAsia
Nina Williams Figure

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Direct3D 9 is coming to PPSSPP. [Benchmark Test Video Included]

Since about version (development build), PPSSPP officially and explicitly support Direct3D9 (part of DirectX 9) as one of its usable backend. Official because this is not another branch like ANGLE build and explicit because there's an option (even on the menu) to switch anytime between OpenGL and Direct3D (ppsspp restart required). This option was hidden while D3D support still under development.

Great news for everyone with a low-end or even an onboard GPU like me (Intel HD Graphics 3000). Direct3D9 has always been the fastest API for old GPU, but it lacks many advanced features,. like no support for Post Processing Shader and there're still some minor bug, when we switch from Windowed to Fullscreen Mode.

Here's a comparison between OpenGL and Direct3d9 in term of attainable max FPS using Tekken 6 as a test subject. All done in a laptop with Intel Core i3 CPU and Intel HD3000 GPU.

So we got around :
~ 33 FPS for OGL and 
~ 43 FPS for D3D9
Please note, I used Nina's and Lars' 1st outfit on purpose, because both are considered "heavy" to render. And also the "Tunnel Disaster" stage is heavy too.

Note: If you need to upgrade DirectX, get the installer from Microsoft here. or just google it with the keyword: "directx Jun2010 redist". (size about 95.6 MB).

Update: Found a great external shader sofware that works with PPSSPP's Direct3D9, called SweetFX. More in my next post here.

Get your PSP's Tekken 6 copy (or any game related stuffs) from PlayAsia.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

PPSSPP optimal setup for Playing Tekken 6 on Windows PC

PPSSPP's key feature is its capability to play PSP games in High Definition plus graphical enhancement. But it would need a great computational power of the PC/Laptop/Smartphone being used, of course.

Before we discuss about optimizing Tekken 6 in-game, here are some tips to improve framerate on PPSSPP in general.

1. Use MultiThread if Possible
tekken 6 ppsspp setting fast optimum windows no roms iso download

2. Disable any graphical enhancement (Texture Filtering, Texture Upscaling, Post Processing Shader, etc)
tekken 6 ppsspp setting fast optimum windows no roms iso download
LINEAR filtering looks better than NEAREST

3. Use lowest option available
tekken 6 ppsspp setting fast optimum windows no roms iso download

But not the case of audio latency. Low latency means more load.
tekken 6 ppsspp setting fast optimum windows no roms iso download

4. Utilize SpeedHack if available and activate every option with "speedup" comment. With some consequences, of course.
tekken 6 ppsspp setting fast optimum windows no roms iso download
5. Switch to Direct3D 9 backend.
tekken 6 ppsspp setting fast optimum windows no roms iso download

That's all we can do to speed up PPSSPP while playing Tekken 6.

Get your PSP's Tekken 6 copy from PlayAsia

Monday, September 15, 2014

Set Your Stage To Get FPS Boost

Playing Tekken 6 on PPSSPP, every stage/backdrop has different load due to its details and effects. This video will demonstrate how stage being fought on, has big influence on framerate to this great PlayStation Portable game. So, Mind Your Stage!
Get complete CWCheat for stage selection from here.

Buy Tekken 6 for PSP or PPSSPP here

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Tips for playing Tekken 6 on PPSSPP at faster/best speed

Playing Tekken 6 on PPSSPP Windows PC
- Character Customization
Customize your regularly used characters with their "lightest" outfit. The more complicated the outfit, the heavier it would be for your PC to render. Turn on "Show FPS Counter", but turn off "FPS Limit" (by default, the toggle key is "`" a.k.a backtick, the one above your TAB key) when you're customizing, so you can see speed difference between one and another outfit.
Please note, Custom Outfit is not applicable on Story Mode though.

- Select Your Stage Using Cheat Code
Use "Cheat Codes" (Activate "Enable Cheats") on PPSSPP to always fight at certain Fighting Ground/Stage. I suggest Pair Play stages like, Wind Kingdom or Mishima Estate. Or even Black Stage
CWCheat Code for Stage Selection on Tekken 6 USA available below. Copy, paste and save it as "ULUS10466.ini"

_S ULUS-10466
_G Tekken 6BR USA
_C0 Mystical Forest
_L 0x00607934 0x00000000
_C0 Hihg Roller's Club
_L 0x00607934 0x00000001
_C0 Temple Grounds
_L 0x00607934 0x00000002
_C0 Cemetery
_L 0x00607934 0x00000003
_C0 City After Dark
_L 0x00607934 0x00000004
_C0 Fiesta del tomate
_L 0x00607934 0x00000005
_C0 Rustic Asia
_L 0x00607934 0x00000006
_C0 Manji Valley
_L 0x00607934 0x00000007
_C0 Noh Theater
_L 0x00607934 0x00000008
_C0 Fallen colony
_L 0x00607934 0x00000009
_C0 Urban War Zone
_L 0x00607934 0x0000000A
_C0 Gargoyle's Perch
_L 0x00607934 0x0000000B
_C0 Nancy Stage
_L 0x00607934 0x0000000C
_C0 Azazel Stage
_L 0x00607934 0x0000000D
_C0 Black Stage (No stage selected)
_L 0x00607934 0x0000000E
_L 0x00607934 0x0000000F
_C0 Lighting Storm
_L 0x00607934 0x00000010
_C0 Tunnel Disaster
_L 0x00607934 0x00000011
_C0 Electric Fountain
_L 0x00607934 0x00000012
_C0 Anger of the Earth
_L 0x00607934 0x00000013
_C0 Hidden Retreat Sheep
_L 0x00607934 0x00000014
_C0 Practice Stage Wall On
_L 0x00607934 0x0000001A
_C0 Practice Stage Wall Off
_L 0x00607934 0x0000001B
_C0 Wind Kingdom (Pair Play Stage)
_L 0x00607934 0x0000001C
_C0 Hidden Retreat Nosheep (Pair Play Stage)
_L 0x00607934 0x0000001D
_C0 Mishima Estate (Pair Play Stage)
_L 0x00607934 0x0000001E
_C0 Azazel Temple (Pair Play Stage)
_L 0x00607934 0x0000001F

Or get above code from
More CWCheat Codes at

UPDATE: Here's a video sample
Buy Tekken 6 for PSP or PPSSPP here

Monday, August 4, 2014

PPSSPP emulator for Sony PSP Games

PPSSPP running Tekken 6 PSP version.
System is a laptop, Toshiba Satellite C840.
Intel Core i3 2330M (Sandy Bridge)
Intel HD3000
4GB Memory
Win 7 SP1 (32-bit)

Visual Enhancement used: cartoon shader.

More Gameplay Video:

Get your PSP's Tekken 6 copy from PlayAsia
Get Tekken 6 for the PSP/ppsspp here: